
Bloglovin Challenge

Okay so here is the problem, I have a Bloglovin button on both of my blogs and they are getting quite the attention lately. I am not complaining, but I do have a personal policy to follow anyone who follows me especially on Bloglovin. So my problem is I haven't been very fair. I have followed everyone back who is following me, But have I read any one those posts? Nope, not a one. And I feel this is terrible of me as a follower of any blog. I mean I would hate to have all these followers and they don't or wont read my posts.

So, I am putting myself to the challenge of actually reading the blogs I am subscribed to. I am calling it the Bloglovin Challenge. I did however have to hit the dreaded marks all as read button, so I can get a fresh start. I don't know how many blogs I follow through Bloglovin, but I will attempt to read and comment on as many as I can as they are posted. I will leave a comment and a link behind every post.

What are your Bloglovin habits? Do you actually use Bloglovin?

Thanks for Visiting, If you liked this post please Like & Share. Please Leave me a comment it lets me know your there, leave your link behind :) Don't for forget to follow this blog!


  1. Micaylah2:02 PM

    I wanna do this!

  2. Veronica Vargas3:27 AM

    I go on my Bloglovin app once a night for a bit while I watch YouTube videos.. Of course I probably don't get through everyone's posts.. But I try to skip around and read posts of bloggers I haven't read yet..! Also, when I am on twitter I read posts when they are posted and I heart the tweet if I read the post, even if I don't leave a comment.. Then I also go on my google+ to read some posts that are posted as well.. Lastly, my blogger.. I read some on there too.. I don't think it's fair to expect people to read all of our posts.. It's why I post about my posts often because we can get lost in a sea of bloggers.. I think we all have some blogs that we tend to go to as well.. Love ya!
