Okay, so I have been here for a while on the interwebs in the blogosphere and I think I learned some stuff, not much but enough to cover the law and call myself a blogger. Some people say I have accomplished a lot in my short time, however I feel different, like I haven't accomplished enough.
Maybe thats just me, I tend to dive into things and what to absorb every aspect of it in the shortest amount of time. I have many different passions within my life, but blogging is on a whole other level. I wanted to blog since, well a long time around 7 or 8 years ago, but life had other plans for me. So here I am all blogged out with three blogs to manage, one of which is a blog I write on when I am angry with my husband, but as you can see isn't very often. So on to this post.
12 Things I learned in 8 Months of Blogging.
1. No one in your personal life will understand why you blog.
Your family and friends will all ask " why do you blog?" and my favorite "have you made any money yet?!"
Don't do it for no one else but yourself.
2. There are people out there.
Once you find your niche you will come to find out there are a bagillion other people doing the same exact thing you're doing, so sticking out like a sore thumb helps.
3. The Beatles were right.
When they sang "I get by with a lil help from my friends." You will make friends you never thought you would have while blogging.
4. Privacy? Whats that?
In order to make it as a blogger even a lil one like me, you have to allow people in. They don't want to be preached to by a robot. They want a real person, a person that wakes up at 12 pm and tweets Goodmorning!
5. Shy guy no fly.
You have to get involved, even if it only in online events, trending topics, talk to the weirdos of tweeter, they know people!
6. Regret or forget.
If you have an idea, write it, record it, tweet it, pin it. Just do something with it, if not someone else will.
7. Rat race.
Everyone is trying to do what you are doing, so why not help a fellow while you're on your way up.
If you learned how to do something share it.
8. Ch, Ch, Changes!
I love that song! Don't think you have to stick with one type of look on your blog, You like to change your clothes everyday right? well your blog likes to be spruced up a bit too.
9. Friendly inspirations.
In a slump? Good that means your doing something right! When you're in a slump, go blog hopping, YouTubing and you will be inspired when you least expect it, especially from blogging friends.
10. Pictures speak a thousand words.
Use your own damn pictures!
11. Watermark everything.
This is on account of number 10.
12. Take advantage of the word free.
Anything thats free and available online master it, image editors, button generators etc.
There is more but I am tired now and this laptop is burning my thighs, so I am going to make some sleep now. If you would like me to continue let me know. Good night.
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